Saturday, July 11, 2009

Revolutionary Road

When does love transform into resentment and hatred? Most couples, in fact all couples, fall in love with each other long enough to get married, start a family and have kids. This life's journey might be fulfilling for some and yet excruciatingly pathetic and horrifying for others.

Frank and April Wheeler meets at a party. They fall in love. They got married. They have their first child and they move to a nice suburban house. From a fun, thrill seeking adventurous young man, Frank transform into a stable family man. While April is the supporting wife, she used to an aspiring actress who dreams of taking the world. Bitterness is lurking beneath, waiting for an opportunity to surface. To neighbours and friends, the Wheeler family is the perfect American dream family that is wonderful, loving and inspiring.

The movie shows lot of intense emotions as well as subtleties throughout the film. You see Frank as an average New York city working man as he blends into the background of men like himself. For a moment, you also see him as unique. A man with dream. A man who dare to dream and take on the world. You question if responsibility makes your grow up or does it chain you up secretly?

You watch with anguish as April becomes completely void and trapped within her life. Unhappy that she has failed to pursue her dream career as an actress. Unable to find peace as her life continues to hollow out. She wishes to make a change, to get out yet bonded by her responsibility as a wife and mother. It's not easy to be a woman in the 50s. And truthfully and honestly, that hasn't change much in the 21st century either.

I'm impressed by the movie. Watch it. You will understand the difficulty that most couples face in a marriage (of a number of years). You will start to question, it is better to stay in that comfort zone of pain or it may be actually worthwhile to make a change before it is too late? Aren't' we young before? Aren't we fill with dreams and inspiration? Aren't we bold and fearless? Have we fallen into the same trap as Frank and April?

Rating: 5 out of 5 fairy clouds. I'm pleasantly surprised by Leonardo DiCaprio's acting. He did extremely well portraying Frank, showing the perplex man's emotions and shame while Kate Winslet brings out the strength, weakness and confusion of April which leads to her demise. She is a great actress and I have enjoyed most of her movie. Great job!

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