Sunday, May 2, 2010

Iron Man 2

While Iron man thrills me with his adventure and Robert Downey Jr is an eye candy to my senses. I still feel "duh" after watching Iron Man 2.

A flamboyant billionaire and playboy, Tony Stark seems to be rather tame in this current movie. His invention lab and robots no longer make me ogle or sending endless "wow" and "ooh". While his life is in peril of being poison by the palladium which is vital element in the arc reactor to keep his heart beating, you can't help knowing that he will save himself and save the day.

Overall, Iron Man 2 lacks the excitement and doesn't get your adrenaline gushing. It is a pity to see a good cast of actors and avant garde concept of the future world which leaves your taste bud feeling rather bland.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 fairy clouds. It is just an ok movie to watch. No biggie.

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