Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Perfect Storm

The storm is coming and it is coming on strong. This is the story of The Perfect Storm. The movie is based on a true story of what happened in 1991 to a group of Gloucester fishermen.

The fishermen went out for a final fishing trip before the end of the season. Led by Captain Skipper, who seemed to be caught in a streak of bad luck. He and his crew were desperate to get a good harvest.

Lady luck wasn't really smiling at them till they got to the Flemish Cap. They started to get a lot of catch. Sadly ill fate had befallen on them. The ice maker broke down, they had no other choice but to head home instead of wasting their catch. As they headed home, they were caught between to two strong brewing storms which became a hurricane. The boat capsized and along with her, she took all the men.

The movie is rather well filmed with great special effects. You can't help but find yourself grabbing the edge of the seat as the movie rightly timed the treacherous encounters with giant waves! It is amazing and scary at the same time. Deep inside your heart, you wish the fishermen will ride through this storm safely while bearing your teeth as they surfed through the waves in the horrendous storm.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 fairy clouds. A movie worth watching.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Bad Habits

Bad Habits or Malos Hábitos is a movie on faith and love. The story revolves around four related people.

Matilde has strong faith in god and she prays to him for help as a young child. Upon graduation, she gives up her doctor career to pursue her religious goal. In cleansing herself through starvation, she hopes to save lives of people around her. This is a pretty tough challenge when the true demon is inside each of us.

Her uncle Gastavo experiences a different form of life challenge. He is disgusted by his wife wafer-thin physic and seeks solace with a voluptuous student in college. They indulge in wanton behaviour through sex and food. Gastavo's wife, Elena is a stylist but anorexic woman. Her obsession with being thin is displaced upon her daughter, Linda. The chubby young girl has been put on several diet plans, acupuncture and the extreme option of stomach stapling!

Taking delight in the cruelty of real world, it is easy to understand what the film is trying to say. The sad reality is no one truly knows when one has gone too far or done too much damage. How many people can turn back in the nick of time to give life another chance of what it is meant to be? The twisted tales of people's obsession in Bad Habits will make you ponder over what is truly important in your life. So learn to love yourself before it is too late.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 fairy clouds.