Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Iron Lady

The Iron Lady shares the story of Lady Margaret Thatcher and how she made changes through the stifling social classes and male-dominated environment to come into power through determination and hard work to become the only female prime minister.

It skims through all the tough time where difficult decisions had to be made to create a better nation. At times when a political decision needs to be made, it is always about managing conflicts and compromises. Life is after all never straight forward or drawn with a define line between right and wrong.

Ratings: 3 out of 5 fairy clouds. The movie has overly simplified the challenge of overcoming the age-old stereotype that a woman should stay at home, to be specific, in the kitchen. For those who do not know much of Mrs Thatcher, the movie has painted a rather skewed memoir of the events.


It is never easy being a beginner. The same is true for Oliver a 38 year old graphic artist and his deceased father Hal. Oliver grew up watching a distant yet cordial relationship between his free-spirited Jewish Mother and an indifference father.

Five years before his father's death, Hal reveals to Oliver that he is gay and wishes to come out of the closet. This is a secret which he has hidden since the age of fifteen. He pursues his happiness and starts a relationship with a younger man, Andy.

On the other hand, Oliver fears commitment and has never maintained any relationship for any prolong period of time. After Hal's death, he meets Anna, a French actress and slowly realizes how he can have a loving relationship; one that is different from his parents.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 fairy clouds. The storyline is quite interesting but unfortunately forgettable. It stirs your emotions superficially and then it is soon forgotten. It lacks impact and impressive for such a film genre.

Kumar's Amazing Race

Our pride and drag queen icon Kumar was back with 5 shows at the Esplanade with Kumar's Amazing Race in February 2012. It was great to see him, oops! I meant her performing on stage.

Kumar shared many anecdotal stories of Indians in Singapore from their famous inventions, making a big thing by doing nothing (i.e. yoga, mediation, etc), local festivities and the infamous colloquial "ah-bu-neh-neh". It was a hilarious evening with our beloved stand up comedian.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 fairy clouds. Don't miss out on any Kumar's performance. It is usually quite fun and entertaining. But remember not to watch it too often as she does repeat some of the jokes.