Sunday, March 20, 2011


This weekend, I spent a nice Saturday having a yummy breakfast with some friends and an afternoon movie treat for myself. Friends who know me well are definitely aware of my eternal war with the Lizzies. But I welcome Rango with an open arm. Ok, I admit not in the literal sense. He is still ugly looking.

Rango is a pet chameleon that had fallen out of his owner's car. Lost in the middle of the desert, he meets an armadillo who directs him to the nearest town, Dirt. In this little adventure, he lies about his true identity to impress the outlaws in the little deserted western town and accidentally becoming the new sheriff and hero to the townsfolk.

While the story is quite predictable, it is still entertaining to see how the eccentric and egoistic lizard learn humility and honesty. While the creatures are meant to look ugly and menacing, their sweetness shine through very strongly. I particularly love the minor details of how their pupils dilate and contract to express their emotions.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 fairy clouds. Go watch it for fun. I love the mariachi band and the Spirit of the West. Cute, real cute cartoon!