Sunday, January 22, 2012

Yu Sheng Lo Hei (鱼生捞起) Auspcious Wishes

My family has Yu Sheng every year and somehow we forget some of the auspicious wishes. Here is the mini SOP for reference:

When the Yu Sheng is served to the table, welcome it with "恭喜发财!万事如意!“

And the auspcious wishes as each of the ingredient is added:

Raw Fish - 年年有余

Abalone - 年年包有余

Pomelo, lime/lemon juice - 大吉大利

Pepper - 招财进宝

Five-spiced powder - 五福临门

Sesame oil - 一本万利、财源广进

Sweet plum sauce - 甜甜蜜蜜

Red carrots - 鸿运当头

Green radish, ginger, lettuce, etc - 青春永在

White radish, ginger, etc - 风山水起

Peanuts - 生意兴隆

Sesame seeds - 财源滚滚

Crispy fried pillows - 金银满屋、满地黄金

And when everyone is ready to toss in the good fortune, you will say "捞起! 捞起! 老到凤山水起!“

Thursday, January 19, 2012

iChestnuts 15

I finally got to watch the longest running parody comedy, iChestnuts 15 at the Jubilee Hall.

Literally everything is spoofed in this comedy from local television shows to Broadway musicals, Hollywood blockbusters and even Walt Disney characters! If you are looking for a night to laugh your heart out, iChestnut 15 may be the show you like to watch.

I particularly love the snippets of mini Quentin Tarantino series of Kill Belle to Kill Bella and the Ivory Low Ai Kiu's promotion of the new app, SisRis. For those who understand Hokkien, you may want the 882 sisters Hokkien-nised version of Umbrella and Singing in the Rain or perhaps the strong local flavour of The MerLion King.

The comedy is a little unglam, a little crude and a little trivial about certain matters but it has its very own charm and definitely followers. Either way, I had a couple of good laugh this evening. Kudos to Judee Tan for the excellent portray of Ivory!

Rating: 4 out of 5 fairy clouds. It is a decent comedy. I won't cry if I had missed it. Not perfectly my cup of tea but good enough.