Saturday, April 25, 2009

Le Grand Chef

I miss having my lazy weekend lazing around the house, watching old movies which I have missed out due to my busy work schedule. I watch Le Grand Chef this afternoon.

Finally got a copy of Le Grand Chef. This is a Korean movie made from the popular comic series. The story tells of two excellent chefs and their battle towards claiming their rightful ownership of the legendary cooking knife which belonged to a renown royal chef who chopped off his hand and refuse to cook for the Japanese ruler who had invaded Korea.

The story is very well-weaved together. It gives sufficient information about Sung-chan's past and the history of his grandfather. Isn't it intriguing to see history repeating itself through different generation? While his grandfather went through his share of hard time in the royal palace as a chef, he passed on his legacy to Sung-chan who can finally honor his family as the true chef.

Rating: 4 out of 5 fairy clouds. Man always allow fame to get to his head. The fight to be in power will probably never cease for generation to come. Nevertheless, we still love to see the good triumph over the evil, just like the simple plot of Le Grand Chef.

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