Sunday, April 29, 2007

How to deal with pain?

I realised that being a happy person can take a lot of work especially when one has a history of unfortunate events or happening. But it doesn't mean that it is an impossible task.

How most of us deal with pain is by the following method:
1) denying it by hiding it away
2) shut down and pretend nothing has happened
3) blame someone or something for it
4) hurt ourselves in extreme cases
5) build a wall around it and throw it into the dungeon

We do all the above and perhaps even a combination combat technique to deal with pain. Though we may not face pain and misery daily. But when given the time and leisure, one of them might pop out and create wreckage for the day.

I have gone through a lot of pain and misery from a series of unfortunate events. Some of them go as far back as 10 years again. I didn't have the courage to deal with it then. So the burden is getting heavier and heavier each year, causing me to move away from my path more and more.

Starting now, I am going to heal myself. How? Simply by letting it go. Simply by acknowledging the emotions. Be not afraid of facing it. For that is part of the growth experience from releasing the pain. Have courage.

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